Flowers Home Health Services provides individuals in St. Louis City and St. Louis County with in home healthcare services. In home services include personal care, homemaker chore, advanced personal care, and respite care. When personal care services are provided, a trained home health aide maintains the upkeep of a client by keeping them groomed and with good hygiene. Through homemaker chore services, trained aides provide a clean and safe environment for the client in their living space such as doing light housekeeping (laundry, the cleaning of the kitchen, and emptying the trash). We have aides that prepare meals under homemaker chore services for their clients based off their plan of care as well. With advanced personal care services, clients have more of a severe level of health and mobility situations that will require a higher amount of assistance. When respite care is provided, aides are giving the clients companionship and at the same time this is allowing relief for the family to get a break for themselves.
Informative helpful links for In Home Eligibility and Funding Options
Medicaid - Missouri Department of Social Services